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In the gorgeous area of Titusville resides 51,003 people where 74% are homeowners. With an average age of 45, the residents of Titusville are well established, with many growing families of all ages. Over the recent months roughly 95 homes have been sold with an average sold price of $299,002. That is a decrease of $8,468 from the previous period.

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Schools In The Area

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* All data sourced from Home Junction, a subsidiary of ATTOM Data Solutions.

Things to do in Tutsville

Max Brewer Bridge and Parrish Park

A favorite place to walk and take in the
sites and sounds of the river. Watch the
boats go by and look for dolphins. Enjoy
listing to live music on the river at Pier 220.

Canaveral National Seashore


One of our National Parks. The longest
stretch of undeveloped beachline in
Florida. Watch the rockets take off or just
enjoy the pristine beaches

Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum


With an always expanding collection, this
museum has over 50 historic warbirds.
Located at the Space Coast Regional
Airport in Titusville. 

Titusville Playhouse


Take in a play with the local theater
View line up and events at the website

Historic Downtown Titusville

Sip a beer at Playalinda Brewery or Grab a
coffee and stroll the riverfront. This historic
downtown is filled with local shops and

Line the Riverfront and Watch a Launch

Great locations to watch the launch
Kirk Point Riverfront Park, Space View Park,
or anywhere you can grab a spot along the

Enchanted Forest

Home to a 470 Acre forest. The Enchanted
Forest offers miles of hiking trails, wildlife
observation, nature photography and an
indoor educational center for children.
Weekly nature activities are available.

Skydiving Space Center


Advertised as the worlds highest tandam
skydiving at 18,000 feet.

Space View Park

The first and only park in America that
honors astronauts and the men and women
that helped America lead the world in
space exploration. Being 15 miles directly
across from the launch pads, it is also a
prime spot to watch a rocket launch. Don't
forget to arrive early on launch days!

Around The Area

Browse through the top rated businesses that Titusville has to offer!

Local News & Advice

Read helpful resources and articles related to the area.

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