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In the gorgeous area of Cocoa resides 20,046 people where 63% are homeowners. With an average age of 42, the residents of Cocoa are well established, with many growing families of all ages. Over the recent months roughly 45 homes have been sold with an average sold price of $290,114. That is an increase of $23,589 from the previous period.

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* All data sourced from Home Junction, a subsidiary of ATTOM Data Solutions.

Things To Do In Cocoa

Brevard Museum of History and Natural Science

Through curation and display, visitors are invited to explore the unique history of Brevard County. From Ice Age fossils to the Space Age Hubble telescope, there is something for everyone!

Village Food Tours


Village Food Tours will take you off the beaten path and introduce you to great local dishes while sharing stories about the Space Coast’s rich history, street art, and beautiful scenery. All you have to worry about is showing up hungry

Cocoa Village Playhouse


State of the art theater in a beautiful historic playhouse. Take in a play with the local theater like no other View line up and events on their website.

Lake Poinsett Air Boat Rides

Look for alligators, explore the wetlands, and get out on the water. Just off 520 in Cocoa there are several airboat tour guides.

Cocoa Village Riverfront


From world-class local restaurants and shopping to festivals, craft fairs, and concerts. The Riverfront at Cocoa Village is a place to take in the local events or just enjoy a picnic by the river with your family.

Lee Warner Park and Boat Ramp

Launch your boat and explore the Indian River. Just south of 520 near Cocoa Village.

Indian River Queen Paddleboat


The Indian River Queen is a stunning triple deck paddlewheel boat. Hop aboard for a Friday night dinner & show with live music, amazing sunsets, and stunning river views. Or gather your friends and family for a relaxing Sunday scenic cruise, and enjoy one of the world's most diverse eco-system while watching manatees, native birds, and dolphins.

Around The Area

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Local News & Advice

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The Appeal Of Single-Floor Living: Why Ranch Homes Are Making …

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